Mika’s successes

Mika, Xtravaschnauza Indigo, has been doing well in shows. He got a CAC in Desio, and Insubria IDS he went all the way to CAC & CACIB! Congratulations Max and Cristina!!

About me

Heli at show

Heli at show

About me

I am Heli Lillbacka, a thirty-something miniature schnauzer breeder from Finland. I live on the southern coast, in the village of Inkoo about 50 km from Helsinki, the capital of Finland. I work for an IT-company and my spare time is dedicated to dogs. Most of my time is spent on agility, grooming and showing my dogs. 
I have owned miniature schnauzers for 14 years. With sixteen litters of Xtravaschnauzas in this world, I am quite green as a breeder. However evaluating the anatomy and shape of animals has been a core of my hobbies since I was a little girl. When I was younger, I bred hamsters and rabbits – both with excellent results. I was also an international show judge prior to moving on to dogs.

I only have a few dogs of my own at home, most of the dogs showed on this website live with their co-owners. This is to ensure each dog gets enough attention and the life of a beloved pet it deserves. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to know more about me or my dogs! 

My dogs and puppies are fed with raw food, they spend all their time as family members enjoying our spacious yard and active lifestyle with us.



Sain lomareissuun ihan mahtavia uutisia. Hämeenlinnassa Ruuti, LV MVA, LV & EEJMVA, LVJV-12 Xtravaschnauza Gunpowder, ERI1 SA PU4 ja Kehitysjohtaja Seppo Väisänen, Liberté de Trufas Negras ERI1, SA, SERT, VSP! Kiitos Pia ihan valtavasti Ruutin ja Zeran trimmaamisesta ja esittämisestä minun ollessani liesussa <3 Mahtavaa duunia!


Muusan luonnetesti

Meidän ollessa Teksasissa Maverickin hakureissulla, sain loistouutisia. Muusa, Xtravaschnauza Champagne, on luonnetestattu hienolla tuloksella +1,+1, -1, +2, +1, +3, +3, +2a = 169 p. +++. Kiitos Noora!! Olen niin iloinen että kasvatinomistajat testauttavat kasvattejani, kaikki koontitulokset löytyvät tilastosivulta, ja piste-erittely jokaisen koiran omalta sivulta.

Esteri FI MVA!

Hienoja uutisia Tornion kansainvälisestä koiranäyttelystä! Esteri, Xtravaschnauza Firecracker, SERT, CACIB, VSP ja uusi Suomen Muotovalio!! Kiitos ihan mahdottomasti Anna-Maria ja Mervi pikkupörriäisen näyttelyttämisestä.